carnet de notes 158

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carnet de notes 158

portrait by alvise silenzi
carnet de notes by paolo rinaldi
online weekly magazine 06/08/2012

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carnet de voyages

the best pools in the world, from top left
hard rock hotel, kuta, bali; marriot ocean resort, herradura, costarica;
vencia hotel mykonos, greece; hansar samui resort, boputh, thailand;
radisson blu resort, denarau island, fiji; riviera resort, palm springs,usa;
sheraton maui resort, maui, hawaii; valentin, playa del carmen, méxico
carnet d’architecture
venice biennale 2012, dutch pavillion, curator ole bouman

venice biennale 2012, japan pavillion

venice biennale 2012, swiss pavillion

kaleidoscopic water tower by tom fruin, brooklyn, n.y.

sa residence by shatotto architects, dhaka, bangladesh
carnet d’hotels et restaurants
tree tent hotel by dré wapenaar
wapenaar’s so-called tranendreef consists of four teardrop-shaped sculptures
that are hanging from standard trees and provide an alternative
form of accommodation to spend a night in the town of haspengouw, belgium

hotel barcelò, hamburg, germanyhh

capri suite, capri, by zetastudio architects

carnet de design
left, loose joints by joscha weiand

right, les frères plo by gaspard graulich

left, fittings by marcello ziliani
center, grandma chair by bora cakilkaya

right, karibu coat rack by julian appelius for pulpo

konrad bednarski fonts

get out! m2 bench by studio segers

design zaha hadid

carnet de lumières
sorry giotto by catellani & smith

carnet de tapis and wallcoverings
outdoor wallpaper by wall & decò

carnet d’art

luke jerram’s glass microbiology sculpture

water cathedral by gun architects, santiago, chile
carnet de landscapes
sea mirrors, itaparica, bahìa, brazil, by x-studio

crocheted jacaré alligator playground, sao paulo, brazil, by olek

carnet de livres

jazz by henri matisse, edizione in fac-simile, electa.

 carnet de photos
yang yong, the cruel diary of youth: blue, very blue

left, discarica and pengo nel suo studio, by renato pengo
musei civici degli eremitani, padova, 14/9 to 31/10i
center, marina abramovic, museo del novecento, milano
right, franco vaccari, una giornata al cobianchi, addio anni 70, milano
ph by giovanna dal magro,

tara bogart, a modern hair study, hous projects gallery, new york

the last carnet
27-28 october
bbè nato prima l’uovo o la gallina?è

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carnet de notes 157

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carnet de notes 157

portrait by silvio pasotti
carnet de notes by paolo rinaldi
online weekly magazine 30/07/2012

carnet de notes 157 has been sent to/
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carnet de voyages

the spirit of azores

pico island, azores archipelago, the igreja, the azulejo, the fish, the coast

from top left, clockwise: le rocce vulcaniche e la flora endemica,
i pascoli di montagna e i vigneti del vino verdelho

from left, il ristorante canto da doca, un imperio do espiritu santo,
una balena bianca nel b&b pocinho bay, il museu dos baleeiros

from left, viti nelle rocce vulcaniche, un albero di callistemon,
l’ortensia niponica, il lago caiado
carnet d’architecture
rio de janeiro, olimpic tower 2016, island of cotonduba, project rafaa studio

villa las arenas, 100 miles south of lima, peru
project artadi arquitectos

pool at the hotel castell dels hams by a2arquitectos, majorca, spain
carnet d’hotels
b&b pocinho bay, pico hotel barcelò, hamburg, germanyhh

carnet de restaurants et bars

ingfah restaurant, khao lak, phangnga, thailand, project integrated field

bar fabrica moritz brewery, barcellona, spain, project jean nouvel, ph p.clemencon

shipping containers mexican restaurant wahaca, london southbank
project softroom architects, ph. joseph bums
we developed the idea for using the shipping containers not only to remind visitors to the restaurant of the working history
of this part
of the river, but also for more practical reasons as their limited height allowed us to be able to fit
two floors in to the volume of a single
storey space,

the architects of softroom explain. each container is painted in one of four bright colours

carnet de design
ventaglio art nouveau, miradas a través de los abanicos de anteguerra
museo nacional de ceràmica de valencia, spain, until october 14

disco-volante coffee table by simon colabufalo

pat side tables by cattelan

windsurf tables
design by chandelier creative/surf store saturdays surf

loop, sistema doccia emozionale outdoor in polietilene a stampo rotazionale
by granese architecture & design studio

carnet d’expos
intersezioni 8 by daniel buren, museo di catanzaro, opera in situ
parco archeologico di solacium (borgia, catanzaro), italy, until october 14

ippococomero, chie art gallery, milano

carnet d’art
edward hopper
carnet de landscapes & urbanism
el mirador de la palmera by jaquìn alvado banon, daya vieja, spain

blaxland riverside park by jmd design, sydney, australia

sand art, walking drawings, by everwright
‘walking drawings combines the elements – sand, sea, air – to create a new way of making, seeing and experiencing drawing.
the walking drawings allowed those who took part to express their individual stories within the work, which in itself was both
surprising and moving to see. the drawings are a conduit for bigger happenings which cannot be controlled or repeated but
which are inherently beautiful.’

 carnet de events
grandi velieri a cadice, cadiz spain

watermelon festival

carnet de photos
bamboo aubergine, wood banane, crystal avocado and cork melon
photo and styling by sarah illenberger, art direction sm associati

trude lukacsek

waves, onde, vagues, wellen, olas, 波浪, أمواج

the last carnet
take a break from the sun

un vero cittadino del mondo non può rinunciare a questi notebook
ispirati alle copertine dei passaporti americano, inglese, cubano e russo!
milano 27-28 october
bbè nato prima l’uovo o la gallina?èèè

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