speciale arte, mostre, musei, libri
/art, exhibions, museums, books
carnet de notes 411
by paolo rinaldi, rinaldi.paolo@fastwebnet.it, 0039.3483577940
filicudi, giugno 2017, ph carmine gulli, elaborazione manfredi bellati

left, marzio tamer, museo di storia naturale, milano, until 7 gennaio 2018
right, mimmo scognamiglio at wopart, work on paper fair

left, guy larameee deconstructs spiritual literature into whimsical desert landscapes. his latest works are carved landscapes that transform found books into barren or sometimes lush landscapes
right, unknown, artista etiope

capturing anatomical essences with uncanny skill, japanese artist noriyuki saitoh constructs life-sized insects using bamboo. the natural material’s versatility lends a surprisingly wide range of colors and textures to each creature

left, lacoste gallery introduces the celebrated chinese ceramic artist and painter bai ming to the usa. the exhibition bai ming solo, from november 11 to december 2, 2017
right, rodrigo bravo's new monolith series, which was crafted by a chilean artisan out of chilean stone

left, when first engaging with these crocheted bird suits by artist laurel roth hope it’s not without a bit of whimsy and an immediately appreciation for her skill with yarn and needle. the colorful one-of-a-kind sweaters are each designed to fit a standard urban pigeon, complete with a hood retrofitted with eye and beak holes
right, the word “cute” is woefully insufficient in describing the squee-inducing impression of these needled felted wool sculptures by ukraine-based designer hanna dovhan. her latest pairs of hand-made mustachioed donuts, mushrooms, croissants, and veggies are all designed to rest in a tender embrace or to simply hold hand

vittorio zecchin, vetri trasparenti per cappellini e venini
lestanzedelvetro.org cini.it

from top left, clockwise
a modo mio, nespolo tra arte, cinema e teatro, until 8 april 2018, aosta, centro saint-bénin http://www.regione.vda.it; paul klee, barques dans l'inondation, 1937, until 1 jan 2018, fondation beyeler, basilea, http://www.fondationbeyeler.ch; goshka macuga & ahmet ogut, until dec 2017, witte de with, rotterdam, http://www.wdw.nl; khaled alkhani, intellectual concerns, z gallery arts, vancouver, until 27 jan, https://zgalleryarts.com/; 50° anniversario for rolling stone magazine, pentagram, https://www.pentagram.com/, i.m. pei’s rock and roll hall of fame, cleveland, https://www.pcf-p.com; cesare leonardi, l'architettura della vita, galleria civica di modena, until 4 feb 2018, http://www.comune.modena.it/galleria; alfredo chichine, visione e trasfigurazione, de primi fine art, lugano, until dec 15, http://www.deprimi.ch

from top left, clockwise
keren cytter & nora schultz, continental break, galleria raffaella cortese, galleriaraffaellacortese.com; oki ozumi, ponte di luce, museo d'arte orientale eduardo chiossone, genova, until feb 2, 2018, http://www.museidigenova.it/it/content/museo-darte-orientale; eva stenram the ravenstijn gallery, amsterdam, http://www.theravestijngallery.com/artists/eva–stenram; nel segno di manara, palazzo pallavicini, bologna, until jan 21 2018, http://www.palazzopallavicini.com/; sospesi a murano, glass collection by giorgia zanellato, http://www.zanellatobortotto.com, http://www.thegallerybruxelles.com; haim steinbach, jaws, white cube gallery, http://whitecube.com/

from top left, clockwise
diller scofidio renfro have been selected to collaborate with the costume institute on a new exhibition at new york’s metropolitan museum of art focused on the relationship between fashion, religious art and the devotional practices and traditions of catholicism, http://www.mcny.org/; nuovi abiti, tessuti e dipinti al museo del tessuto di prato, until 29 apr 2018, http://www.museodeltessuto.it; christian dior, couturier du reve, musée des arts décoratifs, until jan 7, 2018, https://www.dior.com; cabin crew. fashion in the air, kunsthal museum, rotterdam, until 4 feb 2018, https://www.kunsthal.nl/en; leonor fini, memorie triestine, istituto italiano di cultura di bruxelles, until 5 jan 2018, http://www.iicbruxelles.esteri.it/iic_bruxelles/it/

from top left, clockwise
mystical symbolism: the salon de la rose croix in paris, 1892–1897, until 7 jan 2018, http://www.guggenheim-venice.it/inglese/exhibitions/mystical-symbolism/; red light architecture, sketches and notes by ico migliore, dongdaemun design plaza (ddp), seoul, corea del sud, http://www.miglioreservetto.com; laura panno, haiku, xilografie e acqueforti, galleria l'originale, via rossari 5, milano, until 22 dec, http://www.laurapanno.info; giuseppe chiari, cinque gallerie, dec 2 2017, feb 2, 2018, http://www.frittelliarte.it/en/, http://www.galleriailponte.com

from top left, clockwise
splendor and misery in the weimar republic, 1918-1933, schirn kunsthalle frankfurt, until 25 feb 2018, http://www.schirn.de/en/; riccardo dalisi, giro giro tondo, design for children, la triennale di milano, until 18 feb 2018, http://www.triennale.org; luigi ontani, khrisna, il mito dell'india nella cultura occidentale, sulle vie dell'illuminazione, masi, lac lugano, until 21 jan 2018, http://www.masilugano.ch/; amedeo modigliani, jeanne hebuterne, tate modern, london, http://www.tate.org.uk/; adolf strakhov, the emancipated woman is building socialism, red star over russia a revolution in visual culture 1905–55, tate modern, until 18 feb 2018, http://www.tate.org.uk; arcimboldo, gallerie nazionali di arte antica, palazzo barberini, roma, until 11 feb 2018, http://galleriabarberini.beniculturali.it/

fr0m top left, clockwise
replica by studio furthermore, aram gallery, https://www.thearamgallery.org/; claudio pironi, visible invisible bridge, hotel nhow, milano, http://www.studiopironi.com/; max ernst’s the hat makes the man, max ernst: beyond painting, the museum of modern art, new york, https://www.moma.org; michele de lucchi, cataste, galleria antonia jannone, until jan 12 2018, antoniajannone.com; fausto salvi, ceramics, concorso gualdo tadino, until 7 jan 2018, https://www.ceramics.it/, http://www.faustosalvi.net/portfolio/; angela bulloch, heavy metal stack of six, museu de arte contemporanea serralves, https://www.serralves.pt/en/; ugo la pietra, una forza interiore, officine saffi, milano, until dec 22, http://www.officinesaffi.com

from top left, clockwise
andalucìa o la inspiraciòn de fortuny, la matanza de abencerrajes, pintura oleo, museu nacional d'art de catalunya, barcelona, http://www.museunacional.cat/en; museo di canino, porta del parco di vulci, la sfinge e altre creature fantastiche, un viaggio nell’immaginario antico con materiali provenienti da vulci e dal suo comprensorio, http://www.sabap-rm-met.beniculturali.it; christopher felver, ferlinghetti at old west hotel, 1981. a life: lawrence ferlinghetti. beat generation, ribellione, poesia. brescia. museo di santa giulia, until 14 gennaio 2018, https://www.bresciamusei.com/santagiulia.asp; artigiani di tokyo, chie chi art gallery, milano, http://www.chieartgallery.com; lotterie, lotto, slot machines.
l’azzardo del sorteggio: storia dei giochi di fortuna. fondazione benetton, treviso, http://www.fbsr.it/; danel steegman mangrané, una folha translùcida na lugar da boca, museu de arte contemporanea de serralves, https://www.serralves.pt/en/

sanbao art museum by dl atelier is located in sanbao village, a scenic place not far from the central city of jingdezhen, the porcelain capital of china. in the past decade, porcelain artists were attracted here to build their own studios. thus a nascent, dynamic, porcelain-centric hub is thriving and magnetizing even more talents to migrate here. ph sun haiting

il british museum svela un programma di rinnovamento e restyling imponente con la ridefinizione degli spazi e la creazione di un hub nel 2018 focalizzato sulla conservazione e le analisi delle opere d’arte. è il nuovo museo targato hartwig fisher, il primo direttore della storia non inglese

left, a woman walks through an installation during a media tour ahead of the jerusalem lives exhibition at the palestinian museum, in the west bank town of birzeit, near ramallah. the exhibition is scheduled to open until dec 15. ph abbas momani/afp
right, the louvre abu dhabi, designed by jean nouvel and located on saadiyat island and surrounded by the sea, comprises twenty three permanent galleries and exhibition spaces, a children's museum, an auditorium and a research center, all connected together by waterfront promenades and a vast, shimmering dome. ph laurian ghinitoiu

dedicated to the work of the french fashion designer, the new musée yves saint laurent marrakech, houses an important selection from the fondation pierre bergé, which comprises 5,000 items of clothing, 15,000 haute couture accessories as well as tens of thousands of sketches and assorted objectst. the building has been designed by studio ko, ph nicolas mathéus

dopo new york e los angeles, ecco anche a san francisco il moic, museum of ice cream, biglietto comprensivo di degustazione di famosi gelati americani, il bi-rite di mission street, il salt & straw della west coast, il cream di berkeley e l'its-it

a simple house features on the cover of reinier de nraaf's new book, four walls and a roof: the complex nature of a simple profession. the oma partner reveals the building's secret, politically fuelled past. four walls and a roof by reinier de gaaf, a partner at oma, is published by harvard university press

fabio mantovani. cento case popolari, quodlibet, 2017

left, salvatore gregorietti, un progetto lungo cinquant'anni, a fifty years long project, skira editore
right, gabriele neri, umberto riva, interni e allestimenti, lettera ventidue editore

from top left, clockwise
tracy reese, florence grace; cris clease, i coraggiosi saranno perdonati; linda gree, a occhi chiusi; elio pecora, il libro degli amici; stefano malatesta, la vanità della cavalleria; jan-phillipp semdker, alla fine della notte; sarah dunant, i borgia; graeme mcrae burnet, progetto di sangue

from left
rossella menegazzo, lost japan, ed. electa, http://www.electa.it/casa-editrice/; max hastings, operazione overlord; max hastings, inferno. il mondo in guerra; eva stachniak, il respiro della danza (super beat), (http://www.beatedizioni.it/)

travel notes book by giampaolo venier
inspired by the contrasted atmospheres encountered during some recent trips to china, travel notes is a small and refined booklet designed by giampaolo venier for italian furniture brand airnova
et caetera

case 3776’ brings the majestic mount fuji to your tissue pouch by goodbymarket from japan. description: as you pull a tissue paper, you can complete mt.fuji on this tissue case. the case not only accommodates tissues but also has space to store cards and coins on the rear side. insert the tissue from the back and take out the tissue slowly