carnet de voyage

the lake sukhna, chandigarh, punjab, india (ph pradeep mahajan)
www.indiatourismmilan.com, www.incredibleindia.org

carnet d’architecture

chandigarh, city of le corbusier, the open hand and the parliament

the high court, details
ph fausto giaccone, www.faustogiaccone.com
carnet de auctions

le corbusier and pierre jeanneret armchairs from the salle de tribunal, high court, chandigarh, c. 1955 on sale at wright

carnet de design
salone del mobile, satellite, fuorisalone, milano, preview

libreria random, mdf italia, www.mdfitalia.it

coupe et plateau torno, liège et métal, inga sempé for materia

cellular chair by mathias bengtsson, www.bengtssondesign.com
left, table twister by edoardo dainelli for ego, www.egozeroventiquattro.it
right, cabinet by robi renzi at galleria skillart
www.robirenzi.it, www.skillart.it (in progress)

left, david trubridge, www.davidtrubridge.com
right, fabien dumas, poetry happens, www.poetry-happens.com

carnet d’art

left, miroslaw balka, wood, glass, courtesy galerie nordenhake
center, roman opalka, courtesy zak/branicka
right, chuck close, self portrait woodcut, courtesy galerie haas&fuchs

left, anselm reyle, curious charles, courtesy contemporary fine srts berlin
right, david shrigley, untitled, courtesy bq berlin
art gallery weekend in berlin, www.bureau-n.de

left, tancredi parmeggiani, a cura di luca massimo barbero
galleria d’arte moderna carlo rizzarda, feltre, bl, until august 7
right, hassan khan, evidence of evidence II,
courtesy of the artist and galerie chantal crousel
muzeum sztuki, lodz, poland, www.msl.org.pl/

carnet de lumières

left, i lucci argentati, dodo arslan for terzani, www.terzani.com
right, diamond by masiero, www.masierogroup.com

left, lampada quasar, design tobia scarpa for gregoris led light gpe
center, floorlamps fork, foscarini diesel, www.foscarini.com
right, lamps excel floor by roll&hill, http://www.rollandhill.com/

continua, design diego bassetti for antonangeli illuminazione
o editor pina galndolfi, fff))
the last carnet

laser boy by marco tremonto
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