carnet de voy age

carnet d’architecture
carnet de showroom
carnet d’hotels
camera con serra bioclnaked retreatkempinski palace hotel, portorose, portorozkkempinski palace hotel, portorose, portoroz, slovenia
carnet de magazins
ikea: tables, sofa, chair and library on a fabric background
carnet de design
guido toschi marazzani visconti
tents ranges from the medieval camps for battles and tournaments to the luxurious pavilions of the 18th century, up to the most exotic suggestions
drawings guido toschi marazzani visconti, ph manfredi bellati
fabrica presents analogue box by dean brown at the granville gallery, paris
Small precious objects are placed inside and covered over by placing building blocks over the entry way. The box is never simply open or closed, instead there is a sense of the analogue in the way it slowly closes over, through incremental intervals of openness and secrecy,

strati temporali, design gumdesign, firms doma by sacerdoti marmi
il progetto affronta il recupero delle marmette, ricomposte in un blocco di piccole dimensioni, collegate da colle bicomponenti arricchite da pigmenti naturali, per recuperare l’elemento originario (il blocco) caratterizzato da nuovi segni materici, venature improbabili, linee grafiche nette determinate dal colore della colla. il nuovo blocco potrà essere nuovamente lavorato con macchine a controllo numerico
the project examines the recovery of marble tiles, which are reconstituted into a small block, glued with a twin component glue enriched with natural pigments, to recover the original element (the block) characterised by new material signs. the successive working with numerical control tools produces the stone, links itself to this reconstruction by strata and defines a new series of objects, from vase to container
carnet de tissus pour la maison
carnet de chaussures
carnet de photos
africas, paris photo, polka galerie
from left, titouan lamazou, republic of congo, 2011; sebastiao salgado, south of sudan, 2006; marc riboud, ghana, 1960
from left, amy elkins, new york, 2010; francoise huguier, young girl du mali, 1995; ian berry, awaiting the arrival of nelson mandela, natal, south africa, 1994; josé madeiros, rite d’initiation des filles de sainte bahia, 1951
carnet d’expos

gisèle freund, portraits d’artistes à at germain des près
galerie lucie weill & seligman, paris, until dec 31 2011
ugo attardi, l’erede selvaggio, opere 1944-2002
convento del carmine, marsala, until jan 15, 2012
carnet de lumières
carnet de foires
marmomacc, verona
from top left, clockwise
flavio albanese for margraf, studio snohetta for pibmarmi, patricia urquiola for budri, ferruccio laviani for citco
carnet d’artllllland art
giancarlo vitali, 156 incisioni originali, allestimento mario botta
casa dei costruttori-ance, lecco, until jan 31, 2012
from left, black book of retail,; amor towles, la buona società,; arianna malagoli, 27 passi,,; walkabout, giorgio gennari, illustrazioni giacomo mordacci,
the last carnet
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