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There is "no good Brexit" say Foster, Rogers and Chipperfield in open letter to UK prime minister

Over 1,000 leading architects have signed a letter to the UK prime minister stating that Brexit would be "devastating" to the architecture profession. "We believe that there is no good Brexit," says the letter, which was organised by Piers Taylor, founder of Invisible Studio and BBC presenter. Addressed to Theresa May, the Brexit letter has been signed by some of the most influential architects in the UK.

carnet de notes 463

carnet de notes by paolo rinaldi,, 0039.3483577940, @paolorinaldi,


Delf, Museum Prinsenhof

Visitando la mostra “Guglielmo d’Orange è qui”, al Museo Prinsenhof fino al 3 marzo 2019, si fa un passo indietro nel tempo seguendo le orme di questo personaggio fondamentale per i Paesi Bassi. Si vedono le stanze nelle quali ha vissuto, lavorato e preso decisioni importanti.,


Frank Gehry's Jagged Aluminum Luma Arles Takes Shape in France

the Frank Gehry-designed Luma Arles complex as construction continues in the French town of Arles. The arts center, situated on a former SNCF rail yard, will offer exhibition, research, education, and archive space within a 46-meter-tall, aluminum tile-clad tower. ph Hervé Hote

Constructed from a concrete core and steel frame, the scheme emerges from a circular glass atrium echoing the town’s Roman amphitheater. The distinctive jagged form above the atrium echoes the region’s rugged mountain ranges, with glass boxes extruding from reflective aluminum panels.

MVRDV's Radio Tower & Hotel for New York constitutes colourful Lego-like blocks

Dutch firm MVRDV has broken ground on its first project in the US: a mixed-use "vertical village" made up of yellow, blue, red and green brickwork volumes.

Construction work has started on the 21,800-square-metre tower at 2420 Amsterdam Avenue, in the Washington Heights neighbourhood towards the northern tip of Manhattan.(Eleanor Gibson)

Aoyama Technical College by Sei Watanabe, Tokyo

The Aoyama Technical College in Tokyo looks like a robot captured mid-transformation. Designed by Sei Watanabe, the building aims to anticipate what future cities will look like. It is meant to “represent a new order through the tolerance of chaos.


the work of new york-based interior designer sasha bikoff lies at the intersection of 18th century french rococo and 1980s italian memphis milano. this year marks sasha’s first participation in the annual ‘kips bay show house’ of exceptional interior design.

since 1973 interior designers have been annually invited to transform a manhattan home into an exhibition of design, art, and technology. while the kips bay decorator show house project was initially launched to raise funds for enrichment programs for new york city children, it had grown over four decades into a trend-setting event attended by thousands of designers and enthusiasts. this year sasha had been presented with the opportunity to redesign the stairway of the famed showhouse.

hotels, restaurants, bars

located on the lule river in northern lapland, the arctic bath hotel will float during the summer and be suspended in the ice in winter days. you might have the chance to see the aurora borealis. the central spa. ph johan kauppi

this hotel a piancavallo, pordenone)features dormer windows that mimic northern italy's mountainous landscape. designed by italian architect stefano pujatti, 'hotel 1301 inn' takes its name from its altitude at exactly 1,301 meters (4,268 feet) above sea level.,

seoul-based studio labotory has designed a large draft beer brewery in incheon, south korea as the face of ‘caligari brewing,’ a brand of handmade beer.

the introduction of the restaurant and brewery into the street of ikseon-dong was a great challenge and adventure for caligari brewing, whose brand image and direction is in contrast to that of the traditional korean style street. the name and image of the bewing company was created in homage to the movie ‘the cabinet of dr. caligari,’ leading toward dark and masculine interiors with a feeling of cinematic closeness and intimacy.,

Pizza 4P's, Hanoi, Vietnam,Takashi Niwa Architects, ph Do Huu Tam

A restaurant for gathering in a garden surrounding pizza oven. It is a Vietnamese culture to connect deeply with family and friends through gathering and sharing. Pizza 4P’s adopts the motto of “Delivering Wow, Sharing Happiness”. As such, the challenge of this project is to combine both local culture and restaurant motto to create an appropriate dining atmosphere. Located at the center of Hanoi


from top left, clockwise

1, Specchio/mensola Pablo da parete composta da superfici riflettenti, supporto in lamiera di acciaio piegata, saldata e verniciata in colore titanio di Marco  Brunori per Adele-c

2, Poltroncina e specchio, Adele-c

3, scrittoio ideato dall'artista Mario Airò per Adel-c è un complemento d'arredo caratterizzato dalla raffinata combinazione di materiali differenti: gambe in massello di acero dalla linea affusolata e dinamica sorreggono un piano a ribalta e, oltre, una serie di ripiani a vassoi realizzati entrambi in bambù chiaro; la superficie del piano, impreziosito da una fascia perimentrale in bambù scuro, svela infine un "colpo di scena" ricco di poesia, un globo che proietta un ologramma.

Fringe side table series designed by Ulrike Jurklies

The 15 mm Versato® Crystal edge sheet – especially when in bright light – generates a unique look and feel as the elegant colour of the material only really shows at the laser cut edges. The thickness of the sheets also results in a solid, durable and lasting piece of furniture. The occasional tolerances of the cast sheet are compensated through a simple mechanical spring mechanism. Through basic joining principles the need for tools, glue or other fastening techniques is eliminated and flat packed shipping is possible.,

La nuova seduta di Jun Yasumoto per Colos si compone interamente di metallo, con struttura in tondino d’acciaio e scocca in rete.

Yasumoto è riuscito nell'obiettivo di coniugare linee classiche ed estetica contemporanea. Ispirata alle sedute per esterni in canna naturale tipiche delle terrazze parigine, Villa ne reinterpreta il metodo d’assemblaggio dei componenti formanti la struttura, con lo scopo di comporre singole parti per arrivare ad una efficace rigidità strutturale,

Giorgio Vigna, Acque Astrali, Studio La Città, Verona

il tema dominate è l’acqua, elemento ricorrente in tutte le opere esposte: dalle Acque Astrali, sassi in vetro di Murano – sorta di pietre d’acqua con inclusioni d’aria sospesa che evocano l’altrove, alle Cosmografie, lavori su carta realizzati con la tecnica dell’acquatipo, dove l’inchiostro viene disperso in acqua creando galassie imprevedibili, fino alle recentissime Acque, ciotole di varie dimensioni in cui Vigna esplora le possibilità del vetro nella relazione mistica fra acqua e fuoco.,

New Scandinavian Glass, Vessel Gallery, London


tappeto della serie trame d'oro di Illulian

El Anatsui’s shimmering bottle-cap tapestries to Nevet Yitzhak’s renditions of Afghan war rugs.

left, Architectural Wonders wallcovering by Misha

right, wallpaper by Zuber


Irving Penn

Encompassing multiple works drawn from the collection of The Irving Penn Foundation, the exhibition will showcase Penn’s mixed-media paintings from the late 1980s through the early 2000s, highlighting the artist’s experimentation with materials, form, and colour.

Drawing inspiration from leading 20th century figures such as Henri Matisse, Giorgio Morandi, and Fernand Léger, Penn’s textured, primarily abstract, paintings deviate from the striking style of his photographs yet share in similar techniques and bold character. Penn’s paintings comprise successive layers, resembling collages. In an evolution of his platinum-palladium printing technique for photography, many of Penn’s paintings commenced with the artist creating a drawing in graphite or ink of subjects ranging from mushrooms to mythical creatures, which he would then photograph, enlarge, and print to emphasize his lines’ graphic style.


left, en plein air, Vincenzo De Cotiis, a solo gallery show at Carpenters Workshop Gallery London

right,  Shozo Michikawa: Natura, Gesto, Scultura, Officine Saffi, Milano

Akademie der Kunst, Picture Cellar, Pariser Platz, Berlino

Un piccolo gioiello che pochi conoscono si cela nei sotterranei dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Berlino. Si tratta di una stanza, di una cantina per essere precisi, tutta affrescata da ex studenti poco prima della costruzione del Muro di Berlino. Siamo tra il 1957 e il 1958 quando un gruppo di ragazzi dipinge scene dionisiache tanto da far diventare lo spazio uno di quei simboli anticonformisti della Germania dell’est. dopo trent’anni di chiusura, questo spazio viene riaperto. ph Andreas FranzXaver

As part of the recent lluèrnia festival of light and fire in Catalonia, David Oliva of SP25 Arquitectura and Anna Juncà of Atelier 4 created this spectacular flow of lava using common fortune teller origami figures.

Over 10,000 folded pieces of paper were needed to create the work that was illuminated from underneath and further brought to life with smoke machines. Titled simply “Origami Lava,” the piece was affixed to an abandoned building in Olot, a town surrounded by dormant volcanoes.

Patrick Heron, Cadmium with Violet, Scarlet, Emerald, Lemon and Venetian: 1969, The Tate St Ives

The exhibition will stretch from Heron’s early work in the 1940s to his death at the very end of the 20th century, showing the full evolution of his vibrant abstract paintings.


a Casa Botticelli, Marco Klee Fallani, Butterfly Project, in occasione dell'VIII edizione di Contemporaneamente –  Arte design artigianato e cultura contemporanea, Firenze 1-24 dicembre 2018/, Associazione via Maggio


Camper collezione 2019‎

Nio and Hussein Chalayan launch clothing collection inspired by world's fastest electric car

Chinese electric car company Nio has launched its debut clothes collection in collaboration with experimental fashion designer Hussein Chalayan. The limited edition capsule collection, called Neo Extreme, contains 18 pieces including hoodies, polo shirts, t-shirts and dresses. Each is inspired by the company's Nio EP9 car, which is the world's fastest electric car.


net guard drone rescues people from highrise fire emergencies

traveling at high altitude to reach the scene of the emergency in the fastest possible time, the drone approaches the scene and unfolds into four parts with a safety net at the center (dan cunningham).

carnet de notes by paolo rinaldi
online weekly magazine 03/12/2018
(travel, viaggi, architettura, interni, design, hotels, ristoranti, bar, luce, arte, mostre, foto, fashion, installazioni, musei, teatro)
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