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known for his public art interventions, british artist alex chinneck has unveiled his latest pieces at the german städtische galerie kornhaus in kirchheim unter teck in an exhibition called ‘birth, death and a midlife crisis.’ playing with the architectural aspect of the 450-year-old columns found inside the space, the artwork questions materiality by tying one of the columns into a knot.

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carnet de notes by paolo rinaldi,, 0039.3483577940, @paolorinaldi,


fioritura di Castelluccio di Norcia

Castelluccio di Norcia è più di un semplice piccolo borgo umbro: è un'emozione,un luogo magico dove uomo e natura si fondono e ritrovano la loro armonia.: Castelluccio di Norcia si trova nel cuore della Valnerina e all'interno del Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini. E' situato a quota 1452 metri ed a pochi chilometri (circa 28) da Norcia, in cima ad una piccola collina al centro di un vasto altopiano.

civita di bagnoregio

Sembrava destinata a scomparire e invece Civita di Bagnoregio, meglio nota come la città che muore, è esplosa come fenomeno turistico internazionale, manifestando un’inarrestabile vitalità. La piccola frazione di Bagnoregio, in provincia di Viterbo, conta una decina di abitanti e un giro di 800 mila visitatori che, ogni anno, attraversano il ponte pedonale, unico accesso. Civita di Bagnoregio, considerato uno dei Borghi più belli d’Italia, si trova al centro della Valle dei Calanchi, tra le due valli chiamate Fossato del Rio Torbido e Fossato del Rio Chiaro, che un tempo erano la via d’accesso che, dalla valle del Tevere, portavano fino al Lago di Bolsena.


nenad fabijanic inserts a corten steel volume into the remains of a baroque church in croatia

architect nenad fabijanic has completed the design of the ‘summer stage at kastav’ within the archaeological remains of a baroque church in crekvina, croatia. the project sees a corten steel volume inserted within the remains of an 18th century church, creating a bold contrast in material and form and forging a direct dialogue between the contemporary and historic architecture.

peter pichler architecture envisions sustainable treehouses in the italian dolomites

milan based studio, peter pichler architecture, has developed a concept for sustainable treehouses in the forest of the italian dolomites. the project is envisioned as an addition to an existing hotel and intends to create a new experience of living in the woods with maximum connection to nature. with their sharply pitched roofs, the geometry of the structures is inspired by the surrounding fir and larch trees and they will be constructed from local wood, hence establishing the project’s sustainable credentials.

house of chickens

House of Chickens, designed by architecture studio SO?, is a modular coop for 800 chickens on an artist's farm in Turkey. Istanbul-based practice SO?  designed the coop on the Palanga Art and Architecture Farm in Erzincan, a project of Kutlug Ataman, who is commissioning structures for animals and wildlife in the neglected rural area.

"Designing for a user that does neither demand nor pay for a property is another ambitious task in the design process," said the architecture studio. "If the users – chickens – do not appreciate the house…


Gus Wüstemann creates affordable apartment block almost entirely from concrete

Concrete-lined living spaces extend out onto angular balconies at this low-cost housing block in Zurich, designed by locally based studio Gus Wüstemann. The monolithic block is surrounded by 1950s housing in the suburb of Albisrieden. It was designed by the Swiss architecture studio for the Baechi Foundation and contains nine apartments.

Studio 10 designs illusory Escher-inspired interiors for guesthouse in China

Located by the Li River in Guilin, a prefecture city in the northeast of China's Guangxi region, the guesthouse is comprised of differently themed rooms, with two designed by Shenzhen-based Studio 10. These guest rooms are called Dream and Maze.

Inspired by the work of Dutch graphic artist Escher – known for his eye-tricking illustrations – the studio set out to create a "mysterious, infinite and impossible space", merging 2D and 3D elements to produce a series of optical illusions. The challenge was in keeping the balance between the practical need of a hotel suite and the illusionary, spatial effect  to achieve,


botanica collection by formafantasma

left, nendo will present a new be@rbrick during Milan Design Week 2019

BE@RBRICK by MEDICOM TOY is a block figure in the form of a bear, approximately 7 cm in size and was introduced in 2001 on the 100th anniversary of the birth of teddy bear, under the concept to create a “digital teddy bear”.

right, Japanese brand Nendo has designed three unusual variations of the traditional cuckoo clock, including one that doubles up as a bookend, and one that naturally rests on its roof.

left, Tomosibi is a candle holder, that uses properties of phosphorescent paint. Pattern and color, applied to the surface are a modern interpretation of traditional Seto ceramic products. design Ryosuke Fukusada 

Ceramic Japan was founded in 1973 in the historic ceramics (commonly called Seto-mono or Yaki-mono) region Seto City, Aichi Prefecture. From the beginning, under an uncompromising design policy, they have produced many products due to the collaboration between talented designers and the traditional craftsmanship.

right, colorful kogin embroidery makes insect brooches as cute as mochi

the straight-stitched bugs below (insects, if picky) were embroidered and pinned by hiné mizushima. embroiderers will recognize the japanese kogin stitching thanks to the brooches’ repeat patterns and symmetrical forms. what with their many eyes, legs, wings, stripes, floral-associations and other patterns — insects are the perfect specimen for kogin embroidery.

left, Toronto design studio Castor has launched a set of accessories for marijuana users that resembles a vintage candy dish, ahead of Canada's expected legalisation of the drug later this year.

right,  Orbital Candleholders – Movement & Interaction Design Alain Gilles for  xl boom (be)

The Orbital candleholders are like a system that enables people to create their own designs, their tables-tops or cabinet tops are then transformed into a stage. A large array of settings can be altered by either playing with the candleholders inside of each other, or one next to the other.,


Per la 13° edizione di Arte Laguna Prize, l’Arsenale di Venezia, antico cuore dell’industria navale veneziana, diventa un ‘contenitore’ culturale d’eccezione dedicato all’arte e al design.In questo contesto, Antrax IT reinterpreta con T Tower uno degli spazi più suggestivi dell’Arsenale mettendo in scena ‘Le Guardie del Doge’, un’installazione dalla forte e sorprendente presenza scenica, che sarà esposta insieme alle 120 opere finaliste del prestigioso premio, dal 30 marzo al 25 aprile.,

hotels, retaurants

Space Copenhagen has designed the interiors, bespoke furniture and accessories for The Stratford. Due to open in May, the luxurious hotel is located within the new Manhattan Loft Gardens skyscraper in the upcoming cultural hub of Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, East London.,,

In Rome, a few steps  from the Colosseum and the Roman Forum, Condominio Monti opens its doors and soul. Located in the Monti district, the new boutique hotel preserves the convivial atmosphere of the historic neighbourhood, famous for its picturesque alleys which oozes life during the day through its tiny craft shops and galleries, and by night through its trendy wineries and bars.

The architectural and interior design, which preserves the structure of the traditional Roman house, with its bijou but functional rooms distributed along a corridor, bears the signature of studotamat. The shades, finishes, fabrics, patterns and objects have been selected by Sabina Guidotti, founder of Bludiprussia.


Paola Navone firma Bibendum per Karman: sospensione in vetro soffiato ispirata all’omino Michelin,

Flaminia debutta nell’ambito dell’illuminazione con il marchio Flaminia Lighting. Lux by Patrick Norguet racchiude in se%u0301 la bellezza della ceramica, il fascino della luce e il know-how di un'azienda.


l'arabesque e l'arabesque black, ph aldo castoldi

Per l’estate 2019 l’arabesque debutta con “Black”, la seconda linea della moda donna by Chichi Meroni, in armonia stilistica con la collezione couture. .,

from top left, clockwise

Jenny Monteiro; ArthurArbesser; Calzolari; Antonelli; Joy e Fun; AlexandraMoura; Manuel Facchini per Byblos; Anteprima


XXII Triennale di Milano

Broken Nature: Design Takes on Human Survival, un’indagine approfondita sui legami che uniscono gli uomini all’ambiente naturale, legami che nel corso degli anni sono stati profondamente compromessi, se non completamente distrutti. Come dichiara Paola Antonelli, curatrice dell’esposizione e Senior Curator del Dipartimento di Architettura e Design e direttrice del reparto Ricerca e Sviluppo al MoMA, "Il concetto di design ricostituente, che è al centro della XXII Triennale di Milano e della mostra tematica in particolare, risuona con forza e sensibilità nelle Partecipazioni Internazionali.”

“Ricostituente”, salvifico, catalizzatore di una serie di cambiamenti necessari per ricucire il legame che unisce l’uomo alla natura, il design riesce ad essere al centro della XXIIesima esposizione internazionale della Triennale senza farsi notare. La prima parte della mostra tematica che rappresenta il cuore del percorso espositivo inquadra il problema ambientale – “il più importante del nostro tempo, rispetto al quale tutti gli altri sono ancillari” secondo la curatrice Paola Antonelli – in una prospettiva ampia, quasi cosmica, con l’aiuto di immagini satellitari realizzate dalla NASA e dei lavori di alcuni artisti nei quali emerge chiaramente l’impatto dell’uomo sul pianeta. Da quell’altezza vertiginosa si ricade poi nella vita di tutti i giorni, con un centinaio di progetti selezionati tra quelli che negli ultimi trent’anni hanno saputo esercitare un impatto sulla società e alcune commissioni speciali affidate a designer o artisti.

left, sabrina d'alessandro, il pampinoso. a cura di silvia agliotti, gli eroici furori,

right, erwin wurm, the serious life of a ridicolous man, st agnes, nave, koenig galerie, berlin

In attesa del day after. Nicola Toffolini a Bologna, Squadro Stamperia Galleria d’Arte

I disegni e le serigrafie di Nicola Toffolini riflettono sull’oggi e su un futuro che tendiamo a scongiurare

left, eleanor moreton, the family wood. arusha gallery

right, ottocento. l'arte dell'italia tra hayez a segantini. musei san domenico, forlì

Tanto di cappello. La collezione di cappelli di Alfonso F. Grassi: militaria, della tradizione ed etnici. Casa Museo Boschi Di Stefano

Con i ritratti fotografici di Giovanna Dal Magro e gli appendiabiti dello Studio De Pas D’Urbino Lomazzi. A cura di Anty Pansera

left, joana vasconcelos. i'm your mirror. museo serralves. porto. portogallo

right, la lune lavande, tessa perutz. stems gallery, brussels


left, La Tempesta di Shakespeare con la regia di Ferdinando Bruni e Francesco Frongia. Teatro Elfo Puccini, Milano

right, Antonella Ferrari. Più forte del destino, Teatro Cristallo, Cesano Boscone, 5 aprile

gauguin a tahiti. il paradiso perduto


alessandro mendini, autoritratto

carnet de notes by paolo rinaldi
online weekly magazine 18/03/2019
(travel, viaggi, architettura, interni, design, hotels, ristoranti, bar, luce, arte, mostre, foto, fashion, installazioni, musei, teatro)
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