carnet de voyages

luang prabang, the mekong river, laos
luang prabang. the night market
luang probang, laos
carnet d’architecture
offices in zamora for the junta de castilla y leòn by alberto campo baeza
roller coaster by peripheriques architectes+berranger & vincent, nantes, france
microsoft headquarter, wien, austria, by innocad architektur
carnet de restaurants
starbucks coffee shop, dazaifu, fukuoka, japan, project kengo kuma
carnet de installations
project formafantasma with vitra and fendi, basel switzerland
carnet de graphic design
falling leaves typography by twan van keulen
eva fruit hanger by simon colabufalo
bollicine e vino, giardini wallcoverings
project won, olympics-inspired furniture by james henry austin
helen yardley’s bold rug designs
woven desk by bram vanderbeke
planetsolar, the first solar-pwered boat around the world
this year, the ‘MS tûranor planetsolar’ catamaran became the first entirely solar-powered ship
to circumnavigate the globe. equipped with 38,000 solar panels
carnet de lumières
curiosity object by gaelle gabillet & stéphane villard, ph félipe ribon
lovely hanging lamps made with old airbus a300 pieces of structure
carnet de foires
designjunction, the sorting office, london, 19-23 september
carnet d’art
pioggia colorata by leoni afremov
wooden foliage by andblack studio + rooshadshroff
british artist bronia sawyer has extended her project book sculptures with a compilation of pieces,
each one exploring the idea of light, shadow and color
carnet de bibliotèques
bookyard, an outdoor library by massimo bartolini, ghent, belgium
lane picture by lars van der goor
the red line by palìndromo meszaros
. the project chronicles the aftermath 
of a 2010 toxic waste spill in western hungary, killing people
and forcing the evacuation of thousands, through a compendium of images
demonstrating the material staining areas of the village red
the last carnet
no 27-28 october
bbè nato prima l’uovo o la gallina?èèè
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