carnet de notes 226

carnet de notes 226

portrait by marirosa toscani ballo

carnet de notes by paolo rinaldi
online weekly magazine 17/02/2014
(voyages, architecture, interiors, design,
restaurants, lumières, art, espos, photos)
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carnet des carnets

carnet de voyages

rugen, germany,

carnet d'architecture

iceberg skating palace for sochi 2014 winter olympics

by gup mniip mosproject-4

mill junction container residences overlook johannesburg

addressing the shortage of student accommodation within johannesburg, property developers citiq has converted the city’s unused grain silos into affordable student accommodation. ‘mill junction’ comprises 375 individual apartments, in addition to a host of study facilities, libraries, lounges and computer rooms. in order to provide additional floor space, a series of stacked shipping containers encompass the 11-storey silos, providing a vibrant and colorful addition the city’s skyline. climbing to a height of nearly forty meters, the scheme towers above neighboring buildings – offering panoramic views across the surrounding landscape. construction on-site was completed in january 2014, with the building set to open in its doors to new students the following february

energy bunker’ by iba-hamburg, hamburg, germany

the hamburg-wilhelmsburg flak bunker was built in 1942 and was in use for the following four years, built as a stronghold equipped with anti-aircraft turrets designed to withstand attacks from the ground or the air during world war 2. local studio iba-hamburg was commissioned to turn the icon into a useful structure for the current day and age. now restored as a public memorial complete with four 30 meter tall towers and an impenetrable concrete envelope, the fortress now serves as the surrounding residential area’s renewable energy supply providing heat and power from 85% renewable resources

carnet de hotel et restaurants

un hotel nella gru, crane-mockup

carnet de design

left, poltroncina indochine by charlotte perriand, riedizione cassina


right, chair balloon carbon by marcel wanders

left, coffee tables tabrio by dede projects


right, chairs elysia by luca nichetto for de la espada,

left, mobile by essent'ial


right, mobile by supernatural

buffet by colonel

vasi innesti by alexandra denton and sofia lazzeri,

collection coussins techno

carnet d'expos

ugo la pietra at galleria antonia jannone,

erwin blumenfeld at galleria carla sozzani, milano

carnet de lumières

lamp leimu by magnus pettersen for iitala

leif maginnis spins artstrobe with pulsating ultraviolet light

the ‘artstrobe’ by leif maginnis uses pulsating ultraviolet light and fluorescent-colored polyhedrons to create a mesmerizing display of whirling patterns. the kinetic artwork adopts a stroboscopic instrument to control its movement – a result of experimenting with two-dimensional cut-outs on a flat spinning disk and exploring the combination of geometry, lighting and mechanics together. the construction of the TIG-welded piece is formed by joining several steel polyhedron shapes into one object.

carnet de tissus

showroom jab anstoetz e tessuto carlucci di chivasso by jab

sheet and bed cover by society

carnet de théatre

paolo poli, aquiloni at elfo puccini, milano

carnet de livres

adolfo natalini tra il superstudio e l'architettura

linea d'ombra, a cura di marco navarra

the last carnet

pulseira de àrvore by renata mellao

museu da casa brasileira

photographic collage by jim kazanjian


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