in response to the ‘commercial sprawl’ of shared bicycles that are used and left all over our cities, LUO studio has recycled these abandoned bikes and created a micro movable library for children. named ‘shared lady beetle’, the small, ingenious solution is effectively a storage cart used to support education. it does so whilst also raising awareness for the conservation of resources, green commuting, and the promotion of enjoyable learning.
carnet de notes 484
carnet de notes by paolo rinaldi,, 0039.3483577940, @paolorinaldi,
Viaggio in Dalmazia e Bosnia-Erzegovina con Radio Popolare
toscana, la spiaggia di fetovaia
Lavanda in Calabria: un angolo di Provenza nel Parco Nazionale del Pollino
viaggio in kirghizistan con il fotografo giovanni tagini
bjarke ingels group (BIG) has teamed up with architect of record goody clancy to expand and partially renovate the isenberg school of management at the university of massachusetts amherst. upon entering, students and faculty arrive at the ‘learning commons’ where daylight illuminates the multi-story atrium. the inner spaces of the extension face a circular courtyard, where an open-air garden and stone benches create a setting for collaboration and contemplation.,
Houses by Henning Stummel Architects, London, ph Gavriil Papadiotis, Tim Soar
Tij observatory is part of a large scale landscaping plan where people can experience the Scheelhoek nature reserve in a walk from the car parking area to the Ei. Walking along the path, visitors can view several types of bird biotope favoured by sand martins, several kind of waders and, of course, terns. Project by RAU architects, RO&AD Architecten. Location Scheelhoekweg, 3251 LZ Stellendam, The Netherlands. ph Katja Effting, Merijn Koelink,
left, People's Pavilion / by bureau SLA and Overtreders W, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, ph Filip Dujardin
Text description provided by the architects. The pavilion is a design statement of the new circular economy, a 100% circular building where no building materials were lost in construction. The designers of the bureau SLA and Overtreders W accomplished this with a radical new approach: all of the materials needed to make the 250 m2 building were borrowed. Not only materials from traditional suppliers and producers, but also from Eindhoven residents themselves.,
right, opus 5 architectes renovates brick élancourt music school in france
the paris office of opus 5 architectes presents the new élancourt music school in saintquentin en yvelines, france. the new élancourt music school has taken up residence in the former ecumenical center of the sept mares neighborhood, one of the focal points founding the new town of saint-quentin en yvelines. the building was originally a house of worship, color enliven and modulate this continuous skin. during the evening, the shimmering interior lighting expresses the softness and serenity of this institution of learning and practice.
To mark Salone del Mobile, Faye Toogood was invited by Vogue Italia to refashion its Milan offices according to her own individual style. The interior for the director’s office is a celebration of openness, inclusivity and of Italian Vogue’s iconic covers across 53 years,
Fino al 3 novembre, ogni sera due innovativi spettacoli multimediali a cura di Piero Angela e Paco Lanciano, disponibili in 8 lingue, tornano ad animare i Fori imperiali di Roma.
Continua la programmazione di nuove narrazioni audiovisive nei Fori imperiali fatte da Piero Angela e Paco Lanciano. È la volta del Foro di Augusto e del Foro di Cesare. La videoinstallazione del Foro di Augusto è composta da una serie di proiezioni panoramiche frontali, ma divise in punti diversi del Foro, che appaiono e scompaiono con una strategia in parte trasferita dalle sequenze in montaggio lineare in parte legata all’apparizione in punti spaziali diversi.
hotels and restaurants
Danish studio Henning Larsen's extension to Hotel Tórshavn will be characterised by a cave-like foyer that is a nod to the coastal grottos of the Faroe Islands. The extension will measure 4,500 square metres and include the introduction of a publicly accessible foyer, which is intended to be a meeting place in the heart of the city.
The Manzoni, a new 100-cover restaurant created by Tom’s Design Research Studio opened in the days of Milan Design Week, reopens after Salone as a permanent restaurant and a showroom. ph Peer Lindgreen
paola navone has refurbished one of the oldest mcdonald’s restaurants in paris, inaugurated in 1989 in austerlitz district, transforming its interior into a feel-good, contemporary environment. combining bright hues with playful patterns and a crafty, almost artisanal aesthetic
salone e fuorisalone
from top left, clockwise, into the center
sedie by colé,; wingchair by patricia urquiola for cassina,; poltroncine by Setsu & Shinobu Ito for gufram,; JK Easy Chair, disegnata da Jun Kamahara, by Ritzwell,; Philippe Starck's A.I. chair for Kartell,; chair houdini by Stefan Dietz for e15,; polar chair by Moritz Schlatter for Karimoku Mew Standard,; New Chesterfield by Baranowitz Kronenberg for Lensvelt,; poltrona block by Jonas Lutz for La Chance,
from top left, clockwise, into the center
newton by andrea branzi for nemo,; liaison by axolight,; aim by ronan & erwan bouroullec for flos,; starnet by luciana di virgilio and gianni veneziano for vistosi,; hashi by federico del rosso for davide groppi,,; collezione revolta by estiluz,; michael anastassiades' arrangements system for flos is a series of LED modules,; eyes light by bernhard dessecker for mooi,; wireline by formafantasma for flos,
from top left, clockwise
beam lamp by francesco forcellini, ph lorenzo roncaglione,; pendant lamp ridge by mendel heit design lab,; knotted light by studio susanne de graef,; warp barstool&barcode table, design lassi alestalo, henri judin, laura vaere, ph aleksi tikkala,; assembling a table without fasteners or tools by jean-francois c. lemay,; terrazzo tools by mendel heit design lab,; a collection of three lighting equipments inspired by the relationship between man and fire by hiroto yoshizoe,
left, rosanna prezioso, insegnami a essere felice, collana exlibris simonelli editore,,
center, shirley jackson, la ragazza scomparsa, adelphi edizioni,
right, alba cappellieri, dall'art nouveau al 3d printing editore skira,
from top left, clockwise
leila alaoui, ya rayah, galleria continua,; nicola de maria, testa fiore sole, ph carlo pedroli, galleria cortesi,; andrea branzi, archetipi, galleria antonia jannone,; emilio tadini, davanti agli occhi, dietro lo sguardo, fondazione marconi,;
from top left, clockwide
french romanticism, alain cornu, trees, galerie stp,; de chirico e savinio, una mitologia moderna, fondazione magnani-rocca,; sung hee cho, happy blossom, fondazione mudima,; albert serra, roi soleil e antonitapies, certedes sentides, fundaciò antoni tapies,
first excavated in 1870, troy is an ancient city famous for the mythical siege narrated in homer's iliad. excavations from the site reveal the earliest contact made between the civilisations of asia and the mediterranean. "museum of troy is honouring this heritage and is a medium to tell the rich history of troy in relation to its natural, cultural, artistic and archeological context," explained the architect yalin mimarlik
museo civico emanuele barba, gallipoli: un museo outsider per queste aree che rivela un gusto eclettico e avventuroso del collezionismo, vera e propria wunderkammer di tracce, gesti, segni, storie, vite, esperienze, visioni, curiosità, immagini
louis pasteur, à travers la visite virtuelle du musée pasteur installé dans l’ancien appartement que l’illustre savant occupa, sur le campus même de l’institut pendant les sept dernières années de sa vie. c’est l’occasion de découvrir l’histoire plus intime de ce scientifique, passionné de peinture dans sa jeunesse, dont les découvertes révolutionnaires du XIXème siècle servent encore de principes fondateurs à la science d’aujourd’hui.
Grâce à Google Arts and Culture, chaque internaute peut désormais explorer plus de 400 expositions interactives qui rendent hommage aux plus grands progrès de l'humanité dans les domaines de la science et de la technologie, aux visionnaires qui ont façonné notre monde, ainsi qu'aux récits d'échecs épiques et d'accidents heureux
dal 9 al 25 maggio 2019 si terrà a bressanone la terza edizione del water light festival. artisti della luce locali e internazionali trasformeranno tutti i punti d'acqua di bressanone in luoghi luminosi e magici, grazie alle loro idee creative e a speciali installazioni. artisti da tutto il mondo reinterpretano e valorizzano così i tesori culturali della città di bressanone con installazioni di luci e arte. acqua come vita e luce come arte
showrooms and shops
In 1st and 2nd floor of a modern building which stands in this zone, yjy maike centre flagshipstore was designed by the japanese designer tomoko ikegai. it is a bookstore-based integrated commercial facility with an area of 5308 metri quadrati. ph takeshi nakasa
Designers Anna Citelli and Raoul Bretzel have created Capsula Mundi, an egg-shaped pod for the deceased that offers an alternative to traditional burial methods. The body of the deceased is placed in a foetal position inside a container made from biodegradable material before the pod is buried in the earth. A tree, chosen either by the deceased prior to their death or by the family is then planted above the burial site.
Capsula Mundi is presented at the Broken Nature exhibition at the XXII Triennale di Milano, which is curated by Paola Antonelli and takes place between 1 March and 1 September 2019. The exhibition seeks to explore the badly severed ties between humans and nature, and the fact that we will inevitably become extinct.
online weekly magazine 06/05/2019
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