carnet de notes 581

edificio antisismico sospeso con sistema elettro-magnetico

carnet de notes 581

carnet de notes by paolo rinaldi,,

0039.3495087344, @paolorinaldi,


isola di san giulio


Swiss studio Manuel Herz Architects has created a pop-up synagogue at Babyn Yar in Ukraine to mark the 80th anniversary of a massacre that took place during the Holocaust.Named the Babyn Yar Synagogue, the place of worship consists of two large walls that can be manually opened and closed like a pop-up book

Visions d'architectes, Montréal, Canada. Maison de l'architecture du Québec

A Retractable Curved Glass Wall Is The Face Of This Small Round Cabin

Chinese architecture studio MAD has completed the Cloudscape of Haikou, a sinuous library and waystation that is cast in seamless white concrete on the coast of the Chinese island of Hainan.The 1,000-square-metre structure, formerly known as Wormhole Library, is the first of sixteen pavilions being constructed in Century Park as part of a wider rejuvenation project of Haikou Bay

hotels, restaurants and bars

Il capolavoro di Arne Jacobsen, SAS Royal Hotel,
oggi Radisson Collection Royal Hotel Copenhagen,
compie 60 anni

dimorestudio blends past and present in the opulent arts club dubai


Bodies of hand-cut glass pool atop jagged concrete in Ben Young’s sculptures. The New Zealand-based artist is known for his marine landscapes that position miniature figures in vast expanses of the translucent material

Today, how art can display the complexity and contradictions of Cuba, a new book about Leonora Carrington’s tarot cards, and new media artists Hiba Ali and Jennifer Chan talk absurd performance, making artwork about work, and diasporic afterlives


chairs tate color by cappellini

divano e poltrona cannaregio by Gordon Guillaumier for cimento,

a quarant’anni dalla nascita del gruppo Memphis e della presentazione del celebre Tawaraya boxing ring, una nuova famiglia di prodotti disegnati da Masanori Umeda, alcuni dei quali nei primi anni '80 – in pieno spirito Memphis – entra oggi a far parte delle collezioni Post Design

Cassina Paravent Ambassade Charlotte Perriand

Senja lounger by Studio Segers for Tribu

after investigating the history and properties of alabaster stone, Barcelona-based Amarist Studio has created a set of designs that treat the material like a "moldable plastic element". The new series of works, titled Aqua Fossil, was sculpted using alabaster quarried close to the studio

Belgian designer Ben Storms and craftsman transformmaterials to captivating shapes. In Hale is a monumental table object consisting of a massive piece of marble that floats on a metal cushion

books and magazines

left, stefania rabuffetti, in fil di trama, ed. castelvecchi

right, piccolo erbario, guarracino e mainoli, ed. 24 ore cultura

neri pozza editore

showrooms and shops

cappellini showroom, amor fati, allestimento e design elena salmistraro


from top left, clockwise

Caroline Monnet, Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal; Deborah Remington: Five Decades, Bortolami gallery; Regina Cassolo Bracchi, in arte Regina al Gamec di Bergamo; Velasco Vitali, Goldwatch, circolo di Bellano; Carola Brackrock, galerie STP; Anna Halm Schudel, Blossom

from top left, clockwise

Sandro Miller. Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich. Homage to Photographic Masters, Magazzino dell Idee, Trieste; Dacia Manto, Nebulosa, Red Lab Gallery; Maurizio Cattelan, Pirelli Hangar Bicocca; olafur eliasson floods fondation beyeler's interiors and exteriors with green water; Patricia Leite, Caninana, Thomas Dane Gallery; Hilary Pecis, Piecemeal Rhythm, Timothy Taylor gallery


i Giardini di Castel Trauttmansdorff


Dutch Invertuals Academy presents designopen, an Eindhoven based initiative reacting to the absence of international design events, 13/giugno. During a visit we will guide you through the studio where you can see our work and processes, explore the digital ‘True Matter’ exhibition and watch the Dutch Invertuals Academy documentary.

Dutch Invertuals

Piccolo Opera Festival. Giunto alla 14° edizione, si terrà dal 19 giugno al 18 luglio 2021 in luoghi ricchi di storia ed arte di Friuli Venezia Giulia e Slovenia. Fra gli spettacoli, Don Pasquale di Donizetti al Castello di Spessa e l’Opera tango Maria de Buenos Aires di Astor Piazzolla


With a light source placed behind coloured glass, designer Mette Schelde captures the effect of sunlight glowing through clouds. Ombre Light is one of 10 works of experimental Danish design in The Mindcraft Project,

giova, design by gae aulenti per fontana arte. Ibrido tra un vaso e una lampada, Giova ha segnato l'esordio di Gae Aulenti nel campo dell'illuminazione d’autore


“Interim Measure” è il titolo dell’installazione di Anna Scalfi Eghenter che ha trasformato la platea del Teatro Sociale di Trento in un supermercato, e quindi il un luogo non soggetto a chiusure o restrizioni particolari


Terminato il restauro della “Fuga in Egitto” di Guttuso. Tra arte antica e contemporanea, il Sacro Monte di Varese apre la nuova stagione



carnet de notes by paolo rinaldi
online weekly magazine 10/05/2021
(travel, viaggi, architettura, interni, design, hotels, ristoranti, bar, luce, arte, mostre, foto, fashion, installazioni, musei, teatro)
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